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发布日期:2024-08-16 10:12    点击次数:168



As the new head of the esports department of League of Legends, I am pleased to announce my plans for the future of the game and its esports scene. I understand the importance of keeping the game relevant and exciting for its players and fans, and I am committed to ensuring that League of Legends remains one of the top esports in the world. In this article, I will outline my strategies for the upcoming season.

Enhancing Fan Experience

One of my top priorities is to improve the overall fan experience when watching League of Legends esports. This includes making sure that viewers have access to high-quality broadcasts with clear visuals and commentary. Additionally, I want to create more opportunities for fans to engage with the game and its players, such as creating meet-and-greet events and online Q&A sessions with top League of Legends teams and players.

Expanding the Esports Scene

Another goal of mine is to grow the League of Legends esports scene by expanding into new markets and hosting more international tournaments. This will give players from around the world the chance to compete, while also introducing the game to new audiences. Additionally, I plan to establish partnerships with other organizations and sponsors to increase the prize money and resources available to esports teams.

Supporting Esports Players

I believe that esports players are the heart of the League of Legends esports scene, and I plan to provide them with better support and resources to help them succeed. This includes offering better training facilities, creating more opportunities for mentorship programs, and providing players with financial and health resources to ensure they can compete at their highest level without sacrificing their wellbeing.

Fostering Community Engagement

Finally, I aim to foster community engagement by creating more opportunities for League of Legends players and fans to connect with each other both online and offline. This includes creating community tournaments, hosting live events, and offering rewards and incentives for players who actively participate in community events. By nurturing a strong and supportive community, we can ensure that League of Legends remains a game that players want to stick with for years to come.


I am excited about the future of League of Legends and its esports scene, and I am committed to making sure that it continues to thrive. By improving the fan experience, expanding the esports scene, supporting players, and fostering community engagement, I am confident that we can take League of Legends to even greater heights. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to seeing you in the Rift soon!

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